Dr Ronan Kavanagh
Dr. Ronan Kavanagh is a Rheumatologist based in The Galway Clinic.
Update on in-person visits to the clinic
Until recently we have been trying to manage as many of our existing patients remotely using a combination of video consultations and phone. This has worked well and we will be using this facility for our patients – along side in-person care, into the future.
But as the curve continues to flatten, and as social distancing guidelines relax a little, we are beginning to see more and more patients face to face. Approximately 60% of our patients in the last 2 weeks have attended in person – and its so nice to see them back.
This is to reassure patients attending appointments in person that we have done everything possible to create a safe environment for those attending in person – with measures such as prescreening, the provision of surgical masks for our patients, personal protective wear for doctors, waiting room measures and strict office hygiene policies.
The facility to offer video consultations and phone assessments is still in place but we believe that more and more people will opt for in-person visits as we adapt to life alongside a virus which will be with us for some time.
This is also to reassure existing patients who are undergoing infusions as part of their treatment, that these infusions have not been affected by the HSE takeover of beds in The Galway Clinic or the Bon Secours Hospitals. It can take a bit longer to get scans and other tests done but we are still managing to get these for our patients where they are urgent.
Thanks for bearing with us during this difficult time.
Dr Ronan Kavanagh
Dr. Ronan Kavanagh is a Rheumatologist based in The Galway Clinic.