Articles, Coronavirus, Disease information - March 10, 2021
Covid Vaccination update March 10th 2021
Dr Ronan Kavanagh
Dr. Ronan Kavanagh is a Rheumatologist based in The Galway Clinic.
Covid-19 update
Here are some more videos that I have prepared for patients currently attending me – about Covid 19 vaccinations, who is included (and who is not) in the new Category 4 vaccination group, an update on Methotrexate and vaccination, and on my own experience of being vaccinated (very positive!).
Summary: For the moment only patients on Rituximab / Cyclophosphamide included for Category 4 Covid 19 vaccination*. Most patients on standard immunosuppressive treatments (including methotrexate and biologics) would not be included in this group.
It should be watched in conjunction with earlier videos I have prepared on Covid 19 vaccinations
I hope you find them helpful.
*This group may later be expanded to include other very high risk groups. As soon as I am aware I will inform patients on here.
Dr Ronan Kavanagh
Dr. Ronan Kavanagh is a Rheumatologist based in The Galway Clinic.