We have had a number of calls to the practice from patients who are on immune suppression for their underlying rheumatologic condition who have been offered a second booster COVID-19 vaccination ie a 5th dose of vaccine. At present, the current HSE guidelines suggest a second booster vaccine for patients who are immunosuppressed but further…
All patients who are currently under my care who are on medical treatment (or who have medical illnesses) which would make them have a weaker immune system will have already have offered the extended course of Covid 19 vaccination (a 3rd dose of vaccine). This was recommended because of concerns that immunosuppression might reduce the…
Further guidance has been made available from the National Immunisation Office in relation to additional vaccinations being made available for those patients who are immunocompromised (Immunosuppressed). This information replaces any previously offered on this website. An additional dose of the Covid 19 vaccine is being made available because of concerns that those who are on…
Many of those who are on immunosuppressive drugs and attending a rheumatologist may be confused or concerned about recent changes to the Covid 19 vaccination priorities in the Republic of Ireland. This is to reassure you that if you are considered at increased risk of Covid 19 infection because of your illness or your medical…
A lot has been made in the media about the relative effectiveness of the different vaccines for Covid 19. There is a perception out there that certain vaccines (eg Pfizer /Moderna) might be better than certain others (Astra Zeneca / Johnson and Johnson). The bottom line, whatever you might read, is that they are all…
Here are some more videos that I have prepared for patients currently attending me – about Covid 19 vaccinations, who is included (and who is not) in the new Category 4 vaccination group, an update on Methotrexate and vaccination, and on my own experience of being vaccinated (very positive!). Summary: For the moment only patients…
Here’s a series of videos which address questions I have had over the last couple of months from patients regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. It is intended for patients who are currently under my care and especially for those who are on immunosuppressive treatments. This is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical…
Results of a study examining the impact of Corona Virus / Covid 19 on rheumatology patients on immunosuppressive therapies have just been published. The study assessed the outcomes of 600 rheumatology patients who developed Corona Virus infections and is the biggest study of its kind – and the results are promising. The results are relevant…
Until recently we have been trying to manage as many of our existing patients remotely using a combination of video consultations and phone. This has worked well and we will be using this facility for our patients – along side in-person care, into the future. But as the curve continues to flatten, and as social…
In the last 24 hours some guidelines have been published by the Irish Society for Rheumatology (ISR) which offer advice additional advice (to the Stay at Home advice offered by the HSE) to patients on immunosuppressive therapies. Because patients who are on treatments which suppress their immune systems are at higher risk than others, additional restrictions…